Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Revolt Network Still Not Available In Comcast Hometown

What's up with Diddy's Revolt Network not being available in Philly, the home of cable provider Comcast...

Via Deadline:

Revolt Network, which Sean Combs leads with MTV veteran Andy Schuon, is one of four minority-owned independent networks Comcast pledged to distribute as a condition of getting FCC approval of its NBCUniversal merger. And yet, since its October launch, Revolt has not been available in Comcast’s hometown, Philadelphia. Schoen told TV critics this morning they’re working on that. “People are noticing” he said of the omission.

“Have they given you a date?” a Philly TV critic asked.

Comcast had committed to launching Revolt “to a certain percentage of homes” in its digital basic tier and to roll it out “in more markets over time.” He noted the network is availabie in Seattle, the Bay area and Miami and in some smaller markets.

“We’re a fairly obvious market,” the Philly critic snarked.

He declined to say how many homes Revolt is available in because, he said when pressed, “I don’t think we’ve made it a practice.” Revolt CEO Keith Clinkscales had not got that memo and explained the network is now in 20 million home and hope it hits 26 million by the end of this year.

Last July, at Summer TV Press Tour 2013, Revolt founder Sean Combs said that if cable networks were unbundled and viewers got to decide what channels they’d hang on to, “You’d keep CNN – or you’d keep Fox if you were a Republican — you would keep ESPN and probably keep The Weather Channel” but “if it’s music you want and you are a millennial, you are homeless.”

“My mission,” Combs said, “is to get kids back to television.”