Sunday, November 3, 2013

London Solves Soaring Rental Prices and Homelessness with Storage Containers

Timothy Pain and the YMCA Forest hostel in Walthhamstow East London have come up with a temporary solution to the affordable rental shortage in London. MYpads are storage containers that are shipped to Tilbury from China and are then sent to another company for the addition of a tiny kitchen, bathroom and living quarters. While MYpad is a compact living space, and let's not forget a steel box, it offers privacy, a flat screen TV and a single bed. Visit the official MYpad site to see a more elegant presentation of these innovative living solutions designed and built by Beyond The Hall Door

While this seems like a wonderful solution for a quick fix, unless affordable homes are being constructed soon, and in abundance, RT News states there will be a shortage of 2 million homes in the UK by 2020. Read The Full Story Here.