Friday, October 25, 2013

New #BeardGang Trend - Superhero Logo Beards?

Spotted this article on one of my fav sites this morning, Geekologie. Looks like radical advertising is making a comeback. BBDO Proximity, of Düsseldorf, Germany came up with this advertising idea originally. I think it accentuates the Braun cruZer promise of "perfect results every time"; but feel like a live demo would have been far more effective. It wouldn't surprise me if this never left the idea boards in spite of being a great idea. Photography is not enough for such a bold product functionality claim. Checkout what Geekologie had to say about it. 

Source: Geekoglogie
This is a small series of ads for the Braun CruZer beard and mustache trimmer featuringsuperhero logo beards and mustaches. Did they really use the Braun CruZer to shave those beards? Probably not. Are they just Photoshopped? Beats me. Is it even possible to shave your beard like that with a CruZer? Maybe, but it would help if you could actually grow one. My beard? I go from clean shaven to full-on lumberjack in four days. I can shave first thing in the morning and have a 5 o'clock shadow by 8AM. And that's not just the steroids talking either but God I just want to punch some faces right now.