Friday, November 1, 2013

Elevate Your Bed For Extra Space

These are the Mobile Beds created by Espace Loggia. The name is kind of misleading though, they're only mobile vertically. They're not made to support your weight when they're in the air though, which sucks because I like sleeping as close to the ceiling as possible. Also, a sexy lady. I'm joking, I don't like anybody touching or breathing on me when I'm trying to sleep. If your foot touches my leg I'm taking a blanket and sleeping the couch. The Mobile Bed was designed to be pushed to the ceiling during the day so you can have more room underneath when the bed isn't in use. Plus if you're an evil villain you can lure somebody under the bed then drop it on them. MWAHAHAHAHA -- the perfect crime?! "Nowhere near it." You'd be in jail within the hour. Thanks to Lydia, who agrees it should be totally acceptable for an adult to sleep in a loft bed with their desk and gaming computer set up underneath. Right?!